Friday 23 August 2013

I've moved to a new website.

Hello everyone!

I've moved to a permanent blog at

Do check it out okay? Just go look around, see see, and maybe spread it around? ;)

Alright, do check out this video as well,

See you at the new website and have a great day!

Sunday 18 August 2013

Balloon Bag

Love bought this bag for me. WOOOO. 
It's a triple busking bag and I really love it a lot. Like really a lot. 

It's a very big bag. and it has pockets all over the bag. Simply awesome.


Wednesday 14 August 2013


Hi! It has been a long time since I've blogged!

Let me show you guys what I've did these few weeks.

I saw this boy at Century Square, and I made a balloon bear for him. But when I gave it to him, he told me that he do not like bears. And requested for a minion instead. He requested, I delivered. 

Did this Korean princess. HAHA.

Pea Shooter from Plants VS Zombies! Did this for a client. 

Went to help Lily with 150 balloon cats. 

Have a great day!

Saturday 13 July 2013

Minions madness!

I'm back to blog! 

It has been a wonderful week. Nothing special pretty much happened. 
Went to visit my friend who's at work, Love bought Satin Pearl balloons for me. Tried to do a few sculptures. 

Glad that she had a easy 30 minutes passed through.

And also, Love and I did something that we loved a lot.. 


This is the one I did! Got the proportions wrong. But I was too lazy to change the body. Shall do a nicer one next time!

My Minion, with Love's minion and the other 3 minions that we got from McDonalds Happy Meal. 

 Close up of them!



Had a fun time making the Minions, watching Running Man, and supper after everything, 


Check out my wife's blog at

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Ohhh, this is a update? ;O

Time for a update!

Did a event at.. somewhere in Singapore. Lazy to check, but I can say that the kids are very cute, especially this girl, keep asking for more balloons. HAHAHA. 

Forgot to draw the Giraffe's nose.. 

A picture of my wife and I after doing our display for a client who's planning for a proposal. Sweet!

Alright! A few more days, I hope the gift shop would be up!


Monday 24 June 2013

Trying out this technique for the first time!

It's my first time trying our this technique. It's quite difficult! But still possible. 

Wanted to do a rabbit, but ended up doing something like a hamster? 

HAHAHA. Jocelyn's the model. (She's being forced)

I then tried to do a fox.

This technique can really do a lot of special and detailed animals, how I wish that I could do it very fast, so that I could do this for events. But I think it's rather impossible. It takes around 4-5 mins to finish one at max speed. Still have to prepare the eyes and legs.

Alright, going to continue to edit the photos! 

Happy Twisting!

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Northpoint Shopping Mall event a few weeks ago!

Did a event at Northpoint Shopping Mall a few weeks ago! Didn't have the time to update because there's quite a lot to do. Just collected my name cards today! Excellent!

Here's some pictures that I've took during the Northpoint event.

Two of my most commonly made balloon sculpture! 

Have a great time selling balloons there, spreading the joy and art of balloons isn't easy. But I'm determined that one day, people would recognise balloons as a form of art and creativity. 
