Tuesday 28 May 2013

Ferris Wheel Balloon Frame!

First attempt on doing a simple frame for balloons. And the theme for the decoration was "carnival", so Jocelyn wanted a Ferris Wheel. So I did one for her.

It may look a bit weird from here, but I it will works! I don't have a photo of the end product, but it really looks decent after putting in all the balloons!

Framing is fun. But sadly Singapore is a bit small to do really big frames. And even if there's space, it would take too much effort to do it alone. And even if it's done, there's no space to keep and transport the frame around. So in other words, it would have to be thrown away.. Sighs.. 


Saturday 25 May 2013


A few days back, I took a cab and did a balloon for the cab uncle. I always do balloons for them.

And you know what his name was? Lim Guan Liang. Which is just a little off from mine, Yeo Guan Liang. HAHAHA.

Amazed, he then started his camera and took a photo with me. Such a cool uncle.

Glad that I met him!

Sunday 19 May 2013


Balloon dog that is made using heart shape! I've thought of this technique before, and I think no one thought of this before. I hope I'm the one that invented this method. :(

Goodnights! Been a super tired day doing balloon decorations and preparing loads of balloons. *Snore*

Thursday 16 May 2013

First 3D ballooning modelling.

This is what I've always been wanting to try out. 3D models for balloons. My first balloon arch! Made using Rhino. Haha.

I can use Rhino to do 3D models for my clients so that they can clearly visualise what they want. And I can be sure that what I am doing it perfect for them.

I'm really looking forward to doing all these models for my clients. But I haven't even got my first client. Sighs. :( 

Ohwell. Starting a business is not easy. Considering I don't even have promotional photos nor a proper portfolio. 

I really need clients that trust my skills in order to build up my portfolio. Sighs. 
