Friday 23 August 2013

I've moved to a new website.

Hello everyone!

I've moved to a permanent blog at

Do check it out okay? Just go look around, see see, and maybe spread it around? ;)

Alright, do check out this video as well,

See you at the new website and have a great day!

Sunday 18 August 2013

Balloon Bag

Love bought this bag for me. WOOOO. 
It's a triple busking bag and I really love it a lot. Like really a lot. 

It's a very big bag. and it has pockets all over the bag. Simply awesome.


Wednesday 14 August 2013


Hi! It has been a long time since I've blogged!

Let me show you guys what I've did these few weeks.

I saw this boy at Century Square, and I made a balloon bear for him. But when I gave it to him, he told me that he do not like bears. And requested for a minion instead. He requested, I delivered. 

Did this Korean princess. HAHA.

Pea Shooter from Plants VS Zombies! Did this for a client. 

Went to help Lily with 150 balloon cats. 

Have a great day!