Monday 24 June 2013

Trying out this technique for the first time!

It's my first time trying our this technique. It's quite difficult! But still possible. 

Wanted to do a rabbit, but ended up doing something like a hamster? 

HAHAHA. Jocelyn's the model. (She's being forced)

I then tried to do a fox.

This technique can really do a lot of special and detailed animals, how I wish that I could do it very fast, so that I could do this for events. But I think it's rather impossible. It takes around 4-5 mins to finish one at max speed. Still have to prepare the eyes and legs.

Alright, going to continue to edit the photos! 

Happy Twisting!

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Northpoint Shopping Mall event a few weeks ago!

Did a event at Northpoint Shopping Mall a few weeks ago! Didn't have the time to update because there's quite a lot to do. Just collected my name cards today! Excellent!

Here's some pictures that I've took during the Northpoint event.

Two of my most commonly made balloon sculpture! 

Have a great time selling balloons there, spreading the joy and art of balloons isn't easy. But I'm determined that one day, people would recognise balloons as a form of art and creativity. 


Preparation is key

Did an event at some very ulu place, but the kids were AWESOME. They even said I was a good balloon artist. So happy about myself. HAHAHA.

But of course, a balloonist is pretty much useless without his/her assistant. very true for me because I feel the pressure to do fast with I don't have an assistant. Unless I'm doing very simple stuff.

Here's a photo of the things I prepared 30mins in advance before the sculpting. Just because I can save some time by pre-making some balloons.

Those two 2D hearts are complimentary gift for the mummy for letting me sit in a air-conditioned room to prepare my balloons, it's really good for me since the weather was terribly hot and the haze was horrible as well. 

Everything ended well with a happy note! 

Off to edit the photos for the gift shop. Don't really know what kind of art direction I want to design and go towards yet. Maybe I'll just do simple first. And do more designs in the future. 


Thursday 13 June 2013

Balloon update! Two new balloon events!

Balloons I made for the event I did!

You know what character is this? ;)

And a balloon princess!

Ah, haven't updated in a while. Because I'm quite busy with workshops, helping out Jocelyn and doing balloons. My namecard is going to be ready! I really hope they would call me soon and I could see how it looks like. Think it's going to look a bit weird since it's still the first time for me doing a namecard. 

I've taken a lot of photos for my Gift Shop. Just don't have the time to edit and post it. Sighs. Need to buck up! 
