Wednesday 17 April 2013

Quick update!

Well, I couldn't really find all the dates of what I did for each sculpture. So I am just going to post them all here so that I could share them. :)

Baby Phoenix! Going to try a adult Phoenix next time!

Did a hat for a event, but I let Alpaca wear, think he'll make a better model. ;)

Did this rather huge owl for my best friend's sister! Her favourite animal is owl!

3D heart for Jocelyn. I'll make one for her every time one deflates, or oxides very badly.

Balloon Broccoli! Some kids love it very much. And after I did this, they'll request for other fruits as well!

Balloon Octopus, I used like 2+ hours to do the legs, had a difficult time doing all the tulips and pinch twists and attaching them one by one. But it was worth it! Quite a number of people liked this display. I hope? >.<

Okays! These are so far what I've done which I think are more presentable?
But from now onwards, whenever I do balloons, or try out new things, I'll always post here. And everything here will be a part of my memories.


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