Friday 23 August 2013

I've moved to a new website.

Hello everyone!

I've moved to a permanent blog at

Do check it out okay? Just go look around, see see, and maybe spread it around? ;)

Alright, do check out this video as well,

See you at the new website and have a great day!

Sunday 18 August 2013

Balloon Bag

Love bought this bag for me. WOOOO. 
It's a triple busking bag and I really love it a lot. Like really a lot. 

It's a very big bag. and it has pockets all over the bag. Simply awesome.


Wednesday 14 August 2013


Hi! It has been a long time since I've blogged!

Let me show you guys what I've did these few weeks.

I saw this boy at Century Square, and I made a balloon bear for him. But when I gave it to him, he told me that he do not like bears. And requested for a minion instead. He requested, I delivered. 

Did this Korean princess. HAHA.

Pea Shooter from Plants VS Zombies! Did this for a client. 

Went to help Lily with 150 balloon cats. 

Have a great day!

Saturday 13 July 2013

Minions madness!

I'm back to blog! 

It has been a wonderful week. Nothing special pretty much happened. 
Went to visit my friend who's at work, Love bought Satin Pearl balloons for me. Tried to do a few sculptures. 

Glad that she had a easy 30 minutes passed through.

And also, Love and I did something that we loved a lot.. 


This is the one I did! Got the proportions wrong. But I was too lazy to change the body. Shall do a nicer one next time!

My Minion, with Love's minion and the other 3 minions that we got from McDonalds Happy Meal. 

 Close up of them!



Had a fun time making the Minions, watching Running Man, and supper after everything, 


Check out my wife's blog at

Tuesday 2 July 2013

Ohhh, this is a update? ;O

Time for a update!

Did a event at.. somewhere in Singapore. Lazy to check, but I can say that the kids are very cute, especially this girl, keep asking for more balloons. HAHAHA. 

Forgot to draw the Giraffe's nose.. 

A picture of my wife and I after doing our display for a client who's planning for a proposal. Sweet!

Alright! A few more days, I hope the gift shop would be up!


Monday 24 June 2013

Trying out this technique for the first time!

It's my first time trying our this technique. It's quite difficult! But still possible. 

Wanted to do a rabbit, but ended up doing something like a hamster? 

HAHAHA. Jocelyn's the model. (She's being forced)

I then tried to do a fox.

This technique can really do a lot of special and detailed animals, how I wish that I could do it very fast, so that I could do this for events. But I think it's rather impossible. It takes around 4-5 mins to finish one at max speed. Still have to prepare the eyes and legs.

Alright, going to continue to edit the photos! 

Happy Twisting!

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Northpoint Shopping Mall event a few weeks ago!

Did a event at Northpoint Shopping Mall a few weeks ago! Didn't have the time to update because there's quite a lot to do. Just collected my name cards today! Excellent!

Here's some pictures that I've took during the Northpoint event.

Two of my most commonly made balloon sculpture! 

Have a great time selling balloons there, spreading the joy and art of balloons isn't easy. But I'm determined that one day, people would recognise balloons as a form of art and creativity. 


Preparation is key

Did an event at some very ulu place, but the kids were AWESOME. They even said I was a good balloon artist. So happy about myself. HAHAHA.

But of course, a balloonist is pretty much useless without his/her assistant. very true for me because I feel the pressure to do fast with I don't have an assistant. Unless I'm doing very simple stuff.

Here's a photo of the things I prepared 30mins in advance before the sculpting. Just because I can save some time by pre-making some balloons.

Those two 2D hearts are complimentary gift for the mummy for letting me sit in a air-conditioned room to prepare my balloons, it's really good for me since the weather was terribly hot and the haze was horrible as well. 

Everything ended well with a happy note! 

Off to edit the photos for the gift shop. Don't really know what kind of art direction I want to design and go towards yet. Maybe I'll just do simple first. And do more designs in the future. 


Thursday 13 June 2013

Balloon update! Two new balloon events!

Balloons I made for the event I did!

You know what character is this? ;)

And a balloon princess!

Ah, haven't updated in a while. Because I'm quite busy with workshops, helping out Jocelyn and doing balloons. My namecard is going to be ready! I really hope they would call me soon and I could see how it looks like. Think it's going to look a bit weird since it's still the first time for me doing a namecard. 

I've taken a lot of photos for my Gift Shop. Just don't have the time to edit and post it. Sighs. Need to buck up! 


Tuesday 28 May 2013

Ferris Wheel Balloon Frame!

First attempt on doing a simple frame for balloons. And the theme for the decoration was "carnival", so Jocelyn wanted a Ferris Wheel. So I did one for her.

It may look a bit weird from here, but I it will works! I don't have a photo of the end product, but it really looks decent after putting in all the balloons!

Framing is fun. But sadly Singapore is a bit small to do really big frames. And even if there's space, it would take too much effort to do it alone. And even if it's done, there's no space to keep and transport the frame around. So in other words, it would have to be thrown away.. Sighs.. 


Saturday 25 May 2013


A few days back, I took a cab and did a balloon for the cab uncle. I always do balloons for them.

And you know what his name was? Lim Guan Liang. Which is just a little off from mine, Yeo Guan Liang. HAHAHA.

Amazed, he then started his camera and took a photo with me. Such a cool uncle.

Glad that I met him!

Sunday 19 May 2013


Balloon dog that is made using heart shape! I've thought of this technique before, and I think no one thought of this before. I hope I'm the one that invented this method. :(

Goodnights! Been a super tired day doing balloon decorations and preparing loads of balloons. *Snore*

Thursday 16 May 2013

First 3D ballooning modelling.

This is what I've always been wanting to try out. 3D models for balloons. My first balloon arch! Made using Rhino. Haha.

I can use Rhino to do 3D models for my clients so that they can clearly visualise what they want. And I can be sure that what I am doing it perfect for them.

I'm really looking forward to doing all these models for my clients. But I haven't even got my first client. Sighs. :( 

Ohwell. Starting a business is not easy. Considering I don't even have promotional photos nor a proper portfolio. 

I really need clients that trust my skills in order to build up my portfolio. Sighs. 


Friday 19 April 2013

Thursday 18 April 2013

More balloon photos!

Hello once again!

back here to post more photos! Because I've some photos that I haven't posted yet. Nothing much, but I just want to share and record everything I've done. 

A ballerina! Face drawn by my friend.

My owl with fatter body. It like looks more like an adult to me. 

A balloon giraffe display I made for an ITE event!

Didn't do much balloons these few days. Just accompanying Jocelyn to her workshops. She has been teaching a lot of balloon workshop lately. She'll teach and I'll just rot there. And if you're interested in learning balloons, you can contact her as well!

There will be another big event that I will be helping out at a local shopping mall! I'll update more about that when it's nearer. Need to complete preparing a lot of balloons and stuff by this week! 

Posting a photo to end it off. Bye!

Wednesday 17 April 2013

Quick update!

Well, I couldn't really find all the dates of what I did for each sculpture. So I am just going to post them all here so that I could share them. :)

Baby Phoenix! Going to try a adult Phoenix next time!

Did a hat for a event, but I let Alpaca wear, think he'll make a better model. ;)

Did this rather huge owl for my best friend's sister! Her favourite animal is owl!

3D heart for Jocelyn. I'll make one for her every time one deflates, or oxides very badly.

Balloon Broccoli! Some kids love it very much. And after I did this, they'll request for other fruits as well!

Balloon Octopus, I used like 2+ hours to do the legs, had a difficult time doing all the tulips and pinch twists and attaching them one by one. But it was worth it! Quite a number of people liked this display. I hope? >.<

Okays! These are so far what I've done which I think are more presentable?
But from now onwards, whenever I do balloons, or try out new things, I'll always post here. And everything here will be a part of my memories.
